Trade Services

Fostering the ideal environment for success.

We collaborate with governments at local, national, and international tiers, aiding them in crafting and executing strategies aimed at attracting the most lucrative inward investments. Additionally, we offer trade support to empower their exporters and foster their growth.

Assistance through the investment lifecycle

Theia Consulting Group covers the full trade and investment lifecycle from strategy, implementation and programme design through to monitoring, evaluation and learning.

Click on the links below to learn more about our support throughout the investment lifecycle.

Specialist support.

Our government clients include investment promotion agencies (IPAs), export promotion agencies (EPAs) and economic development organisations (EDOs), as well as international aid organizations.


Case Study

Europe Market
Development Programme:
Atlantic Chamber of


International Trade Promotion Clients


In export wins


SME's supported every year


LATAM perspectives

Latin America and the Caribbean’s Export Dynamics: Opportunities in North America

Explore the thriving export market of Latin America & the Caribbean and its strategic expansion into the lucrative markets of the US and Canada. Discover the dynamics shaping this evolving relationship and the opportunities it presents for mutual growth and collaboration.